01-Regular Topics

01-Regular Topics

Put yourself in your opponent's place

I have recently received a number of questions regarding "Put yourself in your opponent's place". However, most of the p...
01-Regular Topics

Let's move together

I am teaching at US National seminar in Las Vegas now. I am so impressed with participants' way of learning Ki principle...
01-Regular Topics

Do not control others first but control yourself first

"Do not attempt to control others but control your own mind and body." This is the essential principle when we study Ki-...
01-Regular Topics

Mind moves body

The one of the most important Ki Principles of Ki-Aikido is "Mind moves body". In the Aikido, you throw your partner. Th...
01-Regular Topics

Controlling Emotions

I have recently received a number of questions regarding "controlling emotions". The question is "Why is it so difficult...
01-Regular Topics

Ki is extending

I have chance to teach Ki principles to over 300 people a year through seminars, workshops and KiAikido classes. Until a...
01-Regular Topics

Quality of the words

There is a certain quality in the words that we speak. In another words, there is speaking with Ki, and then there is sp...
01-Regular Topics

Quality of the sleep

We cannot live without sleeping. Sleep has not only quantity but quality. If you sleep for a long time, it does not nece...
01-Regular Topics

Put yourself in your opponent's place when you teach others

There is a study called "The Learning Pyramid". This is a study of which way is the most effective way to learn things. ...
01-Regular Topics

Cutting bamboo (Take kiri no gyo)

The first bamboo sprouts of the year are emerging from the ground at Ki no Sato.If you come to our seminar this year, yo...
01-Regular Topics

Dead calmness and living calmness

Last week, I told you that correct concentration is calming your mind. If your mind clings to something, you will not be...
01-Regular Topics

Concentration and Obsession

I have recently received a number of questions regarding "concentration".If you want to achieve good results in some act...
01-Regular Topics

Ki breathing (2)

Koichi Tohei sensei's book, "Ki breathing" is now on sale. Advertisement will be on the news paper on March 31, 2005.Als...
01-Regular Topics

Listen to others talk with Ki

The fundamental principle of communication is to listen well to others. However, in many cases, the person who says "I l...
01-Regular Topics

Ki breathing

What is the most difficult thing to realize? The answer is the self. This is because we cannot see ourselves directly. T...
01-Regular Topics

Stay Sharp!

We had a special training in our Ki Development institute in late February. This was a five day seminar, and this was on...