The Method of Realization

It is easy to lose knowledge or information without real experiences.

However, when knowledge and information become firsthand experiences, then we can realize. And this will be a treasure of our life.

I think many people know that “realization” is important.

However, even if we have a great deal of knowledge and information, if this does not connect to real experiences, we may not realize a thing.

When do we get realization?

Please think of your most recent realization. When and what was the situation that allowed you to realize something new?

One thing is certain; whenever we realize something, we are extending Ki. In other words, we are using our mind positively.

When we realize something, we are extending Ki to the object of our realization. If you are not interested in the object at all, and you do not extend Ki, there is no realization.

Similarly, when we pull our Ki, or use our mind in a negative way, there is no realization.

This “pulling of Ki” is a very risky thing to do.

When we fail in something and feel down, we pull our Ki and so cannot realize the cause of failure. This then causes the next failure. And this can become a vicious circle that goes on and on.

We cannot realize without extending Ki.

Another aid to true understanding is relaxation.

Once again, please remember your experience of realization in daily life. When your mind and body are nervous, can you realize something?

When we relax both mind and body, we become calm and free of stress, and using our mind freely, we always tend towards realization. In this way, we can receive true understanding with even the slightest of opportunities in our daily life.

When we study a thing, it is essential to study it seriously. However, this seriousness does not mean that we must be nervous. When our mind and body are nervous, we cannot realize.

It is important to understand the meaning of relaxing correctly. If we misunderstand the meaning of relaxing, we lose our Ki.

When we relax correctly, this is a mine of realization.

What it comes down to is that when we realize something, we are extending ki and relaxing mind and body.

”Ki is extending” and “to relax” sound different, however, these are the same.

Koichi Tohei sensei has resolved these as “Four major principles to unify mind and body” and teaches specifically how to unify mind body through them.

Four major principles to unify mind and body:

1. Keep one point
2. Relax completely
3. Keep weight underside
4. Extend Ki

”Ki is extending” means “4. Extend Ki” in the four major principles.
“To relax” means “2. Relax completely” in the four major principles.

These four major principles are likened to four different routes to climb mountain. In the same way that we can climb to the top of the mountain from any of those four routes, by performing one of these four principles, anyone can experience oneness of mind and body.

You do not have to do those four principles at once. If we perform one of these principles, we have accomplished the others naturally.

These four principles sounds quite different, but actually, they are one thing. This may be difficult to understand through mere words. You can experience those four principles being actually one in our various seminars and workshops.

Let’s study together.
