Shinichi Tohei's Ki Weblog

02-Other Topics

Learn principles from different angles

I play piano. My piano teacher is a student of Koichi Tohei sensei and also one of the famous pianists in Japan. On the ...
01-Regular Topics

Educating a Child

Koichi Tohei sensei is my master and also my father. I would like to tell you about Koichi Tohei sensei from a son’s poi...
04-Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers (August 9, 2005)

【Question】 I am a member of Ki-society. I always enjoy your mail magazine.I want to ask you about my dreams. I often hav...
01-Regular Topics

Reserve the option to “wait” until others change

When we face a problem, we try to find a solution as soon as possible. This may seem necessary, but sometimes this is no...
01-Regular Topics

Define meaning of the words clearly

The other day, a kindly member told me that one of our staff had a bad attitude. I confirmed the truth and I found that ...
01-Regular Topics

Sending Ki to your family

A husband came to me recently for a consultation about his marriage. I have been married for four years and I would like...
04-Questions & Answers

Q&A (July 12, 2005)

【Question】 I am a mother who has a daughter in elementary school. I always enjoy reading your weblog with my child, who ...

Teaching Ki seminar in Tochigi (July 2005)

I conducted a Ki seminar in Tochigi today. This month's theme was "Ki and business". My teaching especially focused on c...
02-Other Topics

PS: Las Vegas seminar

I had a dinner meeting with the Las Vegas seminar committee members at the famous Japanese restaurant NOBU which is loca...
02-Other Topics

More on "Put yourself in your opponent's place"

I told you that to "Put yourself in your opponent's place" means to "move into action" in last weeks weblog. And it is n...