Shinichi Tohei's Ki Weblog


Ki Forum 2016 – Seminar

KiForum 2016 was held on February 11, 2016 in Arcadia Ichigaya (Tokyo).Around 160 participants from all over Japan came ...
01-Regular Topics

Continuing Forward While Moving Back

Ineverything that happens, if there is a beginning there will always be an ending.Whenwe begin something, we are usually...
01-Regular Topics

November Combined Camp 2015 with Members from Australia, Tahiti and Malaysia

TochigiHQ had a Combined Camp with members from branch dojos in Australia, Tahiti andMalaysia. The camp was held from 3,...
01-Regular Topics

Holding with Ki

Ihave had more opportunities recently to teach both professional baseball playersand coaches.Throughteaching these playe...
01-Regular Topics

Utilizing Ki with Music

KiPrinciples which are the basic foundation of Shinshin Toitsu Aikido areutilized in many different fields of activities...

HKF Special Seminar at Ki Society HQ Japan (Tochigi)

HKFCamp 2015 was held at Ki Society HQ Japan (Tochigi) from August 31(Monday) tillSeptember 3rd (Friday) 2015. HKF stand...
01-Regular Topics


Ineducation or teaching the distance or space between the teacher and the studentis very important.Ifthe distance or spa...
01-Regular Topics

Leading People

Inorder to be able to lead people, building “a trust relationship” with themfirst is very important.“Whatshould we do to...
01-Regular Topics

Breathing Training

Whenpracticing breathing training, it is best to start with Ki Breathing. The basicof Ki Breathing is to do Ki Breathing...
01-Regular Topics

Teaching at EKF Special Seminar (Southern Carolina)

Fromthe 18th of June – 21st of June, I travelled to SouthCarolina, USA and taught at a Special Seminar hosted by EKF fed...