Kagamibiraki at Ki Society H.Q.

Ki Society H.Q., of which I am a president, held the “Ki Society H.Q. Kagamibiraki” on 3rd January 2010 (Sunday).

Kagamibiraki is the most important event held at Ki Society H.Q. and many instructors gathered from all over Japan.

In the early morning, with temperatures at two degrees below zero, we have purified both our mind and body in the cold water basing training (Senshin no Gyo). Kagamibiraki (Opening of the new big Sake bottle) was held and the Sake and Zouni (rice cakes boiled in vegetable soup) were served thereafter.

The main event of Kagamibiraki is “Syugyo Tassei Kigan Shiki (The ceremony praying for success in our training)”.

In this ceremony, I offered a prayer wishing the whole members of Ki Society in the world the successful achievement and safety of their training through the year.

Afterwards, the recommended Dan promotion was announced and I awarded these certificates to the respective members. The following is the members who were promoted by the year’s recommendation.

Nanadan (7th dan)

Mr. Kenji Tomita (Tessinkan dojo / Kanagawa)

Rokudan (6th dan)

Mr. Kunio Urushibata (Issinkan dojo / Kanagawa)

Mr. Nobuhiro Fukuda (Yushinkan dojo / Miyagi)

Godan (5th dan)

Mr. Takashi Yamanaka (Senshinkan dojo / Miyagi)

Ms. Susan Grigsby (Southern California Ki Society / USA)

Yondan (4th dan)

Mr. Nobu Kuroha (Chyushinkan dojo / Tochigi)

Mr. Shinji Handa (Yanase class / Tochigi)

Ms. Hiromi Inaba (Shinshinkan dojo / Saitama)

Ms. Chieko Kimura (Tokushinkan dojo / Tokyo)

Ms. Sachiko Okada (Koshinkan dojo / Osaka)

Ms. Miki Takeuchi (Koshinkan dojo / Osaka)

Mr. Yasuhiro Kanda (Kinshinkan dojo / Hyogo)

Mr. Akira Ota (Kinshinkan dojo / Hyogo)

Mr. Terutaka Nishihara (Kinshinkan dojo / Hyogo)

Mr. Alfio La Spina (North Queensland Ki Society / Australia)

Mr. George Andrew LeBar (Midland Ki Federation / USA)

Mr. Owen Livingston (Midland Ki Federation / USA)

Mr. Stanley Haehl (Midland Ki Federation / USA)

Mr. Igor Ostroumov (Eastern Europe/Russia Ki-Aikido Federation)

Promotion by having been awarded a gold prize in the 28th All Japan Ki Aikido Taigi Competition is as follows;

Nidan (2nd dan)

Ms. Kaoru Hattori

(Hiroshima Jogakuin University / Hiroshima)

Shodan (1st dan)

Ms. Chiho Matsuda

(Hiroshima Jogakuin University / Hiroshima)

I took charge of teaching in the first training just after the above ceremony. The photoes were taken after the training.

The activities of Ki Society H.Q. has begun officially subsequent to the completion of Kagamibiraki.

Thank you very much.


