Do not mix them, danger!

A Short Instruction:

The purpose of this article is to practice and validate the Ki principle (Mind moves body) which is the foundation of Ki-Aikido in our daily life. Therefore, it has no meaning if you just read it without practicing it.

The fundamental method of mastering anything is practice. However, it is important not only to practice, but it is also important to validate how one has changed as a result of the practice.

It is easy to lose what you have learned without practice. On the other hand, you will never lose what you have learned through practice and validation. Therefore, please read, practice, and validate the contents of my article for at least one month.

Do not mix them, danger!

The way of learning is different between the two following cases:  1) “To merely gain knowledge” or 2) “to master completely” . “Gaining knowledge” can be immediately done, depending on the method, however, it takes time for us to “master completely”.

For example, if you read my book “Kokoro wo shizumeru (Calm your mind)”, you can understand that it does not need much time to merely gain the knowledge of what is presented there, however it takes time to “master this understanding completely”.

Please read the following text based on the above theory.

When learning something, there is a kind of person who tends to dabble in various subjects at the same time”. When there are various subjects, for instance, subject A to learn and subject B to learn, the main aim of the above person is to taste both A and B and absorb only the good points. The above method may be good to “merely gain knowledge”, however, is not good to “master completely”. The above person believes he benefits, but he is not aware of the fact that he is making a big mess.

What happens if we mix the best coffee in the world and the best green tea in the world? Only with tasting coffee as coffee itself, and the tea as tea itself, we can recognize the true value of the coffee and the tea respectively. With the above method of dabbling here and there in various subjects at the same time”, it is as if you are mixing the best coffee and the best green tea together and drinking the result. Even though they are the best quality, your efforts will be wasted. There may be a few cases of the result being tasty after the mixing, however, most cases will be unsuccessful.

When learning A, you should concentrate on learning A, when learning B, you should concentrate on learning B. Then, in the course of learning, you will come to know the things in common between A and B.  This is not the same as “mixing A and B”, but is a case of “understanding the common essence inherent in both A and B”.

This is very important.

There are people who express the following opinions in the training of Ki Aikido.

“This is similar to the movement called ____ of the other type of Budo.”

“This is similar to the steps called ____ of a dance.”

“This is similar to the theory called ____ of Mr./Ms. ____.”

All of the above are not necessarily the case, but mostly, these people see it that way because they tend to mix Ki Aikido with these other practices. When they do this, they are not able to see truly what they are learning. This is a great pity. Furthermore, when these people learn something other than Ki Aikido, they are likely to say,

“This is similar to the KI Aikido movement called ____.”

On the other hand, there are people who say,

“After training Ki Aikido, my movement of ____ became better.”

“After training Ki Aikido, I have understood the meaning of ____ well.”

“After training Ki Aikido, I feel everything is the same.”

In the above cases, they are not mixing, and so are able to understand the essence. Do you understand the difference between these two cases above?

To summarize, what I would like to suggest is “do not mix them, danger!”

The following is the practice and validation for this month. This time, the level is higher.

[Point of practice]

  When learning something, concentrate on learning that one thing.

  When reading a book, concentrate on reading the book.

  When listening, concentrate on listening to the story.

[Point of validation]

After concentrating in this way, observe what changes you have experienced.
