Shinichi Tohei's Ki Weblog

01-Regular Topics

Do Others Actually Make Us Do Something?

A Short Instruction:The purpose of this kind of article is to practice and validate the Ki principles (Mind moves body) ...

Ki-Aikido: Ceremony Praying for Success in Our Practice (“Shugyo Tassei Kiganshiki” – in Japanese)

A Happy New Year!Thanks to all of you, Koichi Tohei Sensei is doing very well. He teaches instructors of H.Q. everyday. ...
01-Regular Topics

Using the Subconscious

This is a story that I had heard while I was a student.A master sword smith had accepted a new apprentice.On the very fi...

World Camp – 2006

World Camp 2006 was held at Ki no sato (Ki Society H.Q.) from October 25th (Wednesday) to 29th (Sunday). It was a five d...
01-Regular Topics

The Instructor’s Responsibility

I’m going to talk you as an instructor.Recently, I saw a TV program about the training of a soccer club for kids.In the ...

About All Japan Ki-Aikido Taigi competition

The All Japan Ki-Aikido Taigi Competition was held at Ki no Kenkyukai Headquarters last month.The purpose of this compet...


If you have been studying Ki-Aikido, or if you might like to begin, it may be useful for us to check the purpose and bas...

US National Chief Instructors’ Conference in Oregon(2) (translated from Japanese version dated July 3, 2006)

I returned from US National Chief Instructors’ Conference in Oregon yesterday. I did not have jet lag, and it was a very...
04-Questions & Answers

Q&A (translation of article in Japanese weblog dated February 7, 2006)

【Question】Hello. I enjoy your weblog. I am a manager of a cram school for an elementary school and Junior high school st...

US National Chief Instructors’ Conference

I have just finished teaching at the US National Chief Instructors’ Conference and Seminar, hosted this year by the Nort...