US National Chief Instructors’ Conference

I have just finished teaching at the US National Chief Instructors’ Conference and Seminar, hosted this year by the Northwest Ki Federation. I am writing this article at my hotel in Portland, Oregon, USA.


This US National Chief Instructors’ Seminar is held once a year. This is a big event which many students, mainly instructors, getting together. This seminar is held in different places each year. I began teaching this annual seminar four years ago. So far, I have taught in Seattle, Hawaii, Las Vegas and Oregon. Next year’s national conference will be held in Maryland, USA.

Portland is usually very nice weather. Maximum temperature is about 25 degrees C, minimum temperature is about 15 degrees C. However, yesterday and today, it was 37 degrees C! This is the highest temperature of the century! Those two days were hotter even than the usual summer weather in Japan.

I taught Ki principles, Ki-Aikido, Ki breathing and Kiatsu-ho in the seminar, with many participants. I continue to realize many important things at this National seminar every year.

I will share my realizations later in this weblog.


In the picture below, I am shown throwing students in Oregon. Along with my realization, my body seems to continue to grow a lot! I wore Medium size T shirt last year, but now I can wear only size Large.


By the way, Portland is famed for it’s roses. Before the seminar, I visited the Portland rose garden. The roses are really beautiful now. It was spectacular. There was also a very beautiful Japanese garden near the rose garden.



Koichi Tohei sensei also visited Portland, Oregon many times. He did Ki-Aikido performance in front of this Japanese garden in the past.

This is my third visit to Oregon.

My first visit was when I was 17 years old. I enjoyed a homestay in Oregon. My second visit was when I was 23 years old. At that time, I accompanied Koichi Tohei sensei and practiced there with him. My third visit is this time. I am now 32 years old. This time, I conducted the seminar. Therefore, I was deeply committed to the Oregon group this year.

Thank you very much to the Oregon Ki Society members as my host. Also, thank you very much to the many participants who came from all over the US, Europe and South America.
