Teaching at Oneness rhythm exercise seminar

The Oneness rhythm exercise three-day seminar was held at Ki no Sato from March 19th (Sat) to 21(Mon), 2005.

Over sixty students attended this seminar and it was a great success. The seminar was held in a relaxed atmosphere with smiling participants from start to finish. (I am sitting at the centre of the first row with white clothes in the picture below)

I taught Ki principles that are fundamental to the oneness rhythm exercise. And Yuuki Sawai sensei mainly taught oneness rhythm exercise.

It was not on the prior schedule, but there was a class that Yutaka Otsuka sensei taught on Kiatsu and Ki-aikido movement based on the oneness rhythm exercise.

Many of the participants understood that the oneness rhythm exercise is not an exercise that just moves their body, but is to realize their own mind.

The posture with Ki and without Ki
The movement with Ki and without Ki
The rhythm with Ki and without Ki
The human relationship with Ki and without Ki

While the participants experienced Ki through oneness rhythm exercise, they realized how to apply Ki principles in their daily lives.

On the last day of the seminar, we held a competition to check the fruits of the three days for themselves. Four of the participants won prizes.


The students of Nihon University and International Christian University attended this seminar to apply oneness rhythm exercise to Ki-aikido. I was deeply impressed by their attitude to study Ki seriously.

I really appreciate all of the participants of the seminar.
We will hold a one-day oneness rhythm exercise seminar on April 24th, Sunday in Tokyo. Why not join us?!
