Ki seminar in Tochigi

I taught Ki principles at Ki seminar in Tochigi today.

Ki seminar is held once a month. You can learn how to use Ki in your daily life at Ki Seminar. Ki seminars are held all over the Japan, and I am a lecturer of Tochigi Ki seminar.

Ki Seminar is open for students of Ki Development Institute. Therefore, many students come to Ki seminar and study Ki principle together.


Tochigi Ki seminar has morning class and afternoon class. And theme of each classes are different.

The theme of the morning class was "Quality of the movements (movements with Ki)".

The participants experienced the difference between "movement with Ki" and "movement without Ki" in daily life movement. (For example, raise you hand, shaking hands, gentle back, walking and so on)

And we experienced Kiatsu. We put our own hands with Ki on the below of collarbone. We just put our hands with Ki, but we could feel very good feeling. Soon, the tough part become tender, and easy to breeze.

For Ki Development Institute students, they did not just study Ki principle from teacher but they themselves studied how to tell Ki principle to other people. I asked every Ki Development Institute student to explain what they had learned at the seminar. It seems that they learned if they change their view from just a students to a students who try to tell Ki another people, they could learn more deeply.

The theme of afternoon was "Quality of breathing (Breathing with Ki)".

First, we checked our posture if it is oneness with the Universe. After checked our posture, we practiced deep, calm and comfortable breeze. We realised that there is a big difference when we use Ki or not.

Then, I told how to distinguish calm breath and hard breath. If you know this, you can feel the change of your family and friends’ mind and body without fail. I taught this new viewpoint to the participants.

In Tochigi Ki seminar, every 6 months (six times) is basic program. (You can join any month)

Ki seminar is just one day seminar, but you will be able to learn many and deeply. Let’s study together. I am looking forward to seeing you at the Ki Seminar.
