Teaching at World Camp 2005

World Camp seminar was held from October 19th Wednesday to October 23rd Saturday. It was a five days seminar. On October 22nd Saturday and 23rd Sunday, Japanese Instructors’ seminar was also held.

There were about 140 people attend the seminar from USA, Europe, Russia, Australia and of course Japan. I taught through out the seminar.


The first day of seminar, Koichi Tohei sensei came to the class and shook hands with each participants and took group photo together. Also, Tohei sensei awarded a student who has been studying Ki-Aikido 50 years in Hawaii. Tohei sensei gave him a ceramic plate (Mashiko-yaki plate with Tohei sensei’s calligraphy) as a relic of 50 years of study.

The theme of World Camp 2005 was "The Universal mind". Everybody has a selfish mind such as we want to move people and things as we think. However, if we act with selfish mind, others have bad feeling and there will be collision in relationship. It is as same as Ki-Aikido techniques. We practiced to control own mind and using mind not let others move but let’s move together through Ki-Aikido.

There is 520 Tatami mats at Tenshinkan dojo in Ki no Sato. All participants used whole dojo and practiced Ki principles and Ki-Aikido.



It is important to experience Ki-Aikido techniques directly rather than just listen the explanation. Therefore, I taught each participants directly and let have experience of correct technique and wrong technique. I realized many things from the seminar. Seminar was very positive atmospherics and I could feel oneness.



Not only Ki-Aikido, but Ki breathing, Oneness rhythm exercise, Kiatsu therapy were also taught. Also, tea ceremony was held by Ki-Aikido school students and participants enjoyed tea with Ki.

By the way, it is natural to teach class in English at the world camp seminar. "Ki is extending" is wonderful. I could listen English well which I cannot listen usually. However, this is not only listen English but feel others’ Ki. I send Ki to others well, therefore, I can understand what others want to say. I feel that it is important to send Ki to others again.

This is just an aside, but when I talked with my wife after seminar, I could not listen her Japanese well! I dropped my guard and I did not send Ki to her. This is not good. I will practice more.
