
content of this blog is for Instructors or people in a position to lead members
or other people.


and (Ki) both have no shape or form, which is why we can’t see these with our
eyes. Because both are invisible, it is easy to forget their existence.


vs. Quality:

there are changes in the quantity of something, it is easy to
perceive. However, if there are changes
in the quality of something, it is usually very difficult to realize it.
For example: we can see the difference in quantity when we watch someone who
practices a lot, but the quality of practice is usually very difficult to tell
at first glance.


able to maintain the quality of practice/training is one of the important roles
for an instructor, and to do this, he or she needs to focus on something that
has no shape or form.


life, there are many important things that have no visible form.


example: having a trust relationship with someone, or feeling love,
thankfulness, appreciation as well as respect for someone.
Ambition and aspiration are also examples of something of importance
having no visible form.


we do, or react to, something, it is very important to realize and remember the
purpose or reason for doing it, and it is essential to continue without
changing and forgetting the original purpose or reason no matter what happens.


“the purpose or reason” why we do something has no visible shape. This is why
it is very easy to lose sight and forget, and sometimes we even change the original
purpose and reason without actually realizing it.


“the purpose” changes it is called “Henshitsu” which means changing/altering
the real purpose. An example is listed below.


of the purposes of practicing Ki Breathing is to get the feeling of a Calm Mind
and continue to maintain it. Let’s say you decide to practice for 30 minutes
every day. Maybe the practice starts really well, but as the practice continues
it is usually very easy for some people to forget and change the real purpose that
they began with, and then they start trying to focus on just keeping “30
minutes of Ki Breathing”. Because they try to force themselves to do 30 minutes
of Ki Breathing, they start getting frustrated at the same time. This does not
fulfill any point.


example is going regularly for Aikido practice: One of the main purposes of
going for training is to learn and acquire the correct feeling while
practicing. While coming regularly for classes some members forget the real
purpose or reason why they come for training in the first place. Their main
purpose changes and simply coming regularly for classes becomes their main
purpose, instead of what they want to learn and acquire from training.


continue practicing without remembering the original purpose of our practicing,
will only hinder and stop our progress and growth. People who continue to
practice with the right mind set, always with their main purpose being the same,
will always continue to progress.


the main purpose of learning changes, trying to achieve and acquire the skills
we set out to achieve becomes unattainable.


a company loses sight of its “main purpose”, then it will eventually fail. If
the human resources lose sight of their “main purpose” then they will become
unproductive and serve no purpose.


Objectives” are easily changed and forgotten. This is why leaders and
Instructors who are in a position to lead and teach people should always make
sure that they remind their students/staffs the main purpose of their practice
or work. By constantly repeating and reminding their members/staffs of their
main purpose of training and work, it is less likely that members and staffs
will change their main objective and purpose of training or working.


leaders who are running or managing companies, it is important to always repeat
the “main purpose/objective” of the company to staff. If instructing,
instructors should always remind students the main purpose of their practice
and training.


order for us to always make sure that “Our main purpose” of performing/training
remains the same, let us always check and re-confirm this purpose.  
