New Year Greetings

hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful holiday season and the start of the
New Year.


role and purpose as Kaicho (President) of Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Kai is 1) To
spread the teachings of Ki Aikido, 2) To train and help Instructors progress
and teach well, 3) Contribute to the Community.


of January 2015, there are more than 400 Dojos and active classes as well as
300 Instructors teaching in Japan.


instructors nationwide participate and attend instructor Seminars held in
various venues to further their learning and understanding of Ki Principles,
and to improve on Aikido art techniques. We are hoping this will improve the
teaching skills of our Instructors. In addition, Risk Management Seminars are
also held to reduce the rate of Injuries and Risk so that Dojos / Aikido
classes can be managed well for members to be able to practice and attend
classes safely.


most important thing we ask from our Instructors is not based on what Dan they
have obtained or how much teaching experience they have, but that only those
who continue learning and training can be authorized to continue teaching.


course having knowledge on Aikido techniques is important, but personality and
communication skills are also important qualities Instructors must have when
teaching and leading classes in Dojos.


is why in Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Kai we believe that Instructor Seminars are
very important for Instructors and this is also when I have a chance to
directly communicate and teach Instructors around Japan.


will continue to further my teachings and gather more chances to teach and
continue working on the development of these Instructors this year as well.


Toitsu Aikido Kai has also received requests for classes and workshops from
Elementary and Junior High Schools. We will answer these requests by sending
more Instructors on a volunteer basis to help build up the following programs:


1) Correct
attitude/ posture and manners

2) Communication
with Oneness of Mind and Body

3) Being
able to perceive and deal with difficult/dangerous situations


are some of the main themes that I will be teaching at workshops and seminars.


schools have been hoping for these workshop experiences to encourage their
students to be able to learn and grow up with these valuable lessons to apply
to their lives. That is why many of the schools ask us to repeat this same
workshop every year.


this year, we have also been able to acquire some sponsorship from companies
who are willing to work together with us to sponsor these workshops and send
more Instructors to teach not only at schools but also for community services and
welfare homes to help people with learning disabilities as well as the elderly.


will also do our best to play a bigger part in contributing more to the
community this year.


were able to start the New Year well with plus Ki with a successful Kagami Biraki
Ceremony training session (the first Aikido training seminar of the year) which
was held on Sunday, the 4th of January at Tochigi HQ Dojo.


all our members, thank you very much and let us continue to support and help
one another, yoro shiku onegai mōshiagemasu.


