Time When You Don’t Try To Do Anything

A Japanese traveler in Africa spotted a man looking up at the sky.

The traveler greeted the man and told him he had come all the way from Japan, and asked the man “Do you see anything interesting?”

The man said simply, “In Japan, do you not look up at the sky unless there is something interesting?”

I see, in Japan, there is a purpose to everything we do. We think about time in the context of performance and seek to achieve more results in less time.

Today, we check our smartphones dozens or even hundreds of times a day.

Not many people would set aside time to simply look at the sky and feel the operation of the Universe.

If we don’t take time to feel the Universe at all, we won’t feel our connection and forget the fact that we are also a part of nature and the Universe itself.

If we do not take this time, then our sense of loneliness will become stronger, and we will even feel a vague sense of anxiety.

Just because we are in an environment that is rich in nature does not necessarily mean that we are feeling the Universe. When our mind is occupied with thoughts or we are simply unaware, then we cannot feel the Universe even in a favorable environment.

Various studies have shown the negative effects of smartphone dependence on the brain, including the risk of reducing our quality of life (QOL).

I cannot use my phone while training or teaching, of course, but I consciously set aside time in my daily life when I do not have my smartphone.

I try to have the same kind of time as the man in Africa who looks up at the sky. It is an important time for me to maintain a unified and present condition.

When our mind is preoccupied/obsessed with one thing it is called “attachment.” Once we become preoccupied/obsessed with something, our mind stops working freely and cannot move. Our mind becomes dysfunctional and “crippled”, as it were.

For example, if our mind is preoccupied with our smartphone when dining with someone, then the food tastes half as good and our enjoyment [of being with someone] will be halved as well.

When our mind becomes sluggish, it is difficult to feel deeply moved or feel gratitude. This is a truly an unfortunate thing to have happen in our lives.

“What” do you tend to be preoccupied with?

It is precisely when we are holding onto something tightly and we can’t let it go that it is important we release it and set aside time to feel the Universe.

For example, Ki Breathing is a time for this.

As our breathing calms down, we remember and realize our ever-present connection with the Universe. At this time, we experience that our mind once frozen and stuck begins to work freely as before.

Of course, if we get caught up in the method of Ki Breathing, we will lose everything. All we have to do is just breathe comfortably.

Why not set aside some time in our day when we do not try to do anything? The time may be longer or shorter.

If we can feel our connection with the Universe, then our mind will be free.

Translated by Mayumi Case
Edited by David Shaner
Eastern Ki Federation

Original article in Japanese: 何かしようとしない時間 (Nanika Shiyо̄ To Shinai Jikan)
November 1, 2023 
