HKF Special Seminar at Ki Society HQ Japan (Tochigi)


Camp 2015 was held at Ki Society HQ Japan (Tochigi) from August 31(Monday) till
September 3rd (Friday) 2015. HKF stands for Hawaii Ki Federation, which
is a branch federation of Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Kai in Hawaii, USA.

this camp, branch Dojos from Germany, Netherlands, Spain as well as USA came
and practiced together.

to many participants coming for World Camp which has been held annually at HQ,
we decided that from this year we would hold smaller seminars for branch Dojos,
Societies and Federations, so that I could teach and interact with every member
that came for the seminar. For HKF Camp, 60 members in total including HQ
members and instructors came and participated in the training.


themes covered and taught during this camp were: (Ki is always extending and
exchanging), (Ken and Hanmi), (Hanmi with Wazas) – Having No Openings with
Aikido Techniques, (Irimi and Tengkan), (Kokyu with Dosa) – Relationship between
Breathing and Movements, (Ki Breathing), (Ki Meditation) and (Kiatsu).


the 4 days of practicing together at Seminars and having Gatherings after
classes, we were able to spend a lot of time together with all members. We sincerely
would like to thank Chief Instructor Christopher Curtis Sensei and all members for
their efforts in helping to make this seminar a success. We have also decided
to hold this seminar during the same time again next year, HKF Camp 2016.

will be having more seminars at HQ soon with members from other branch Dojos,
Societies and Federations. With these Seminars coming up, I am looking forward
to teaching and meeting all members and hopefully being able to instruct each
member personally.
