Furman University Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Training at HQ

Two professors and seventeen students from Furman University (South Carolina, USA) came to Japan in May to train Aikido at Tochigi HQ Dojo for 2 weeks.

In Furman University, there is a group that studies Koichi Tohei Sensei’s teachings as part of Eastern Philosophy Studies. This group was founded by Dr. David Shaner who has been a long time student of Koichi Tohei Sensei, he is also the Chief Instructor of Eastern Ki Federation and still continues to spread our teachings by teaching at seminars and Aikido classes.

This time, during their stay at HQ these students wished to further their understanding and experience these teachings first-hand during their classes with the HQ teachers who taught them daily.

These students were very sincere and enthusiastic during their training sessions.

These students were also interviewed by the Tokyo Shimbun and the article was published in the newspaper for the Tochigi based Tokyo Shimbun. This article can also be found on the Tokyo Shimbun website (Tokyo web).

We would like to thank the Furman University group especially their teachers Dr. Mark Stone and Dr Eiho Baba as well as Dr. David Shaner for helping make this trip and seminar a success.
