2011 USA National Seminar in Las Vegas


I taught for USA National Seminar held in Las Vegas from 4th August 2011 (Thursday) to 7th August 2011 (Sunday). The USA National Seminar is held once every year in the USA. Many instructors from each branch organization in the USA gather and I teach for all classes in English. The previous seminar in Las Vegas was held six years ago. The participated members this time are not only from USA but also from South America, Europe and Japan and even though USA suffers from long lasting recession, thankfully 160 members participated.

Based on Ki Principles, I taught Katatedori, Yokomenuchi, Ushirotekubidori, Kokyudosa etc to each participant by the hand. Also I taught all the way through the seminar, the correct way of “Ki Testing” that is the most important for Shinshin Toitsu Aikido training and teaching.

The seminar has finished successfully. The instructor who has trained for 50 years was given the award. Also a large amount of donations were collected from many instructors and members for the use of the earthquake disaster reconstruction in Japan. Thank you very much for all of your kind thoughts.

At last, I would like to express sincere appreciation for the members of Northern California Ki Society who took the role of host for the seminar. Thank you.






