01-Regular Topics To Live with the Universe Koichi Tohei Sensei always told us to live with the Universe.We live our life based on the values which come from our pa... 2019.04.10 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics “Make Up Your Mind!” Koichi Tohei Sensei was both my teacher and my father.After our relationship became “teacher and student”, we had to sto... 2018.09.25 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics What is the problem? Today, I would like to talk about Ki in the business world.Recently, many representative companies of Japan have asked u... 2018.06.28 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Never Freeze I have been teaching University students for over 20 years. Lately, I have noticed some changes in their feelings, thei... 2018.04.07 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics A Small Stuckness becomes a Huge Stuckness! As an Uchideshi, I used to perform cleanup every day. As a result, house cleaning became a positive habit for me.If you... 2018.03.20 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Facing with our full attention People sometimes feel a “bump” when practicing Aikido techniques.When you think “Let’s throw him this way” or “Let’s mov... 2018.02.10 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Dealing with “Stuck Ki” When we want to fulfill our missions in life, it is important to want this very strongly. However, in reality, sometimes... 2018.01.20 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Today’s result, Tomorrow’s result We completed this year’s Taigi Competition on the 24th of September.The purpose of this Taigi Competition is never based... 2017.10.13 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Why is greeting important? A few weeks ago, I saw a child dressed in a dogi. When other adults, also dressed in dogi, said “Hello!” to him, he glan... 2017.07.16 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics How to Become Good at Public Speaking When I was an Uchideshi of Koichi Tohei Sensei, I asked him how I might become good at public speaking.He told me “Go to... 2017.06.21 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Driving a Car When I was an uchideshi of Koichi Tohei Sensei, I was a driver for him every day. Once a week, I drove him between Tokyo... 2017.05.31 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Do Not Seek a Cure-all Recently I have noticed that the information around us here in Japan has taken on some strange tendency.People only say ... 2017.04.13 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Pressure Imagine a time when you are facing important tasks.Many people may have experienced that they could not perform to the b... 2017.03.07 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Training In Daily Life My mission is to teach and spread Shinshintoitsu Aikido (Ki-Aikido), and to train our instructors. I spend most of my ti... 2017.02.08 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Great Nature and Ki In Japan, when someone talks about “Ki”, many people would think “shady”. I was not an exception. Since I studied scienc... 2017.01.25 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Continuing Forward While Moving Back Ineverything that happens, if there is a beginning there will always be an ending.Whenwe begin something, we are usually... 2015.12.01 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics November Combined Camp 2015 with Members from Australia, Tahiti and Malaysia TochigiHQ had a Combined Camp with members from branch dojos in Australia, Tahiti andMalaysia. The camp was held from 3,... 2015.11.09 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Holding with Ki Ihave had more opportunities recently to teach both professional baseball playersand coaches.Throughteaching these playe... 2015.11.02 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Utilizing Ki with Music KiPrinciples which are the basic foundation of Shinshin Toitsu Aikido areutilized in many different fields of activities... 2015.10.01 01-Regular Topics
01-Regular Topics Distance Ineducation or teaching the distance or space between the teacher and the studentis very important.Ifthe distance or spa... 2015.09.01 01-Regular Topics