November Combined Camp 2015 with Members from Australia, Tahiti and Malaysia

HQ had a Combined Camp with members from branch dojos in Australia, Tahiti and
Malaysia. The camp was held from 3, November (Tuesday) – 12, November

taught 3 days of seminars held on 7, November (Saturday) – 9, November (Monday).

the evenings during gatherings, we enjoyed talking and getting to know all
members. Other Seminars during the camp were also taught by HQ Instructors,
Taketoshi Kataoka Sensei and Tomonori Kobori Sensei.

year instead of having World Camp, we decided to hold seminars and camps for
branch Ki Societies and Federations. During this November Combined Camp, we were
able to combine smaller groups from different Ki Societies and Dojos to come
and train together at HQ.
